Waste Management (Hazardous Waste, Bio Medical Waste, Municipal Solid Waste,Plastic Waste, Batteries, Fly Ash, e-Waste) Electronic Waste Circular on Hazardous Waste Sr.No Date Department Circulars 14 24/03/2017 PSO Procedure for grant of BMW authorization / Combined consent and authorization as per BMW Management Rules ,2016 . 13 16/07/2016 JD(WPC) Guidelines to Municipal Corporations regarding 25 % budget utilization. 12 25/06/2015 MoEF Import of waste/used rubber tyres for production of tyre pyrolysis Oil. 11 24/06/2015 RO(HQ) Procedure to be followed for Grant of Consent authorisation /Registration to Hazardous Waste recycler / reprocessor and E-waste dismantler / recycler. 10 26/12/2014 JD(WPC) Thumb Rules for slaughter house waste management and design of pollution control systems/measures 9 01/01/2013 Legal Writ Petition (Civil) No.657/1995 Research Foundation for Science Technology and Natural Resource Policy. 8 30/06/2011 RO(HQ) Circular on Last date for Submission Annual Report of Hazardous Waste is 30/06/2011. 7 19/01/2011 RO(HQ) NOC for destruction of Date expired materials, non-hazardous wastes/chemicals. 6 05/01/2010 RO(HQ) Indentification of Isolated storages and importer of Hazardous Chemicals under manufacturing Storage, import handling Rules of 1989 and amended Rules 2000. 5 12/07/2009 RO(HQ) NOC for destruction of date expired materials, non hazardous astes and chemicals. 4 11/12/2008 RO(HQ) Assigning the areas of Operation of Common Hazardous Waste Collection,Treatment,Storage and disposal facilities in the State of MaHarashtra for Management of Hazardous Waste. 3 10/10/2008 RO(HQ) All industries generating spent solvents and its reprocessors. 2 14/05/2008 Assigning the areas of operation of Common Hazardous Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities in the State of Maharashtra for Management of Hazardous Wastes. 1 20/10/2005 RO(HQ) Area for CHWTSDF Circular on Bio Medical Waste 6 30/05/2019 RO(HQ) Grant of Combined Consent and Biomedical Waste Authorization to Educational Institute of Physiotherapy in the State 5 04/06/2015 MoEF Amendment to the EIA notification 2006- Regarding EC to Biomedical Wate Treatment facilities. 4 01/03/2014 PSO Delegation of Power for Grant of Combined Consent and Authorisation to Health Care Establishment, Industries, Generating/handling BioMedical Waste and CBMWTSDC.(Common Bio Medical Waste Treatment and Storage and Disposal Facility). 3 24/09/2013 M.S. Constitution of State project Management unit (SPMU) in the State of Maharashtra for implementation of GEE-UNIDO funded MoEF, Project entitled "Environmentaly Sound Management of Medical Waste in India. 2 10/04/2013 PSO Uniform Guidelines to obtain Bank Guarantee towards compliance of BMW(M&H) Rules, 1998 from Health Care Establishment BMW transporters and CBMWTSDF Operators. 1 11/11/2010 GR-Mantralaya BMW GR on formation of State Advisory Committee dated 11th November 2010. Circular on Municipal Solid Waste 4 02/04/2014 RO(HQ) Office Order - Constitution of Committee for scrutiny of authorizations for all Corporations /Councils as per the Municipal Solid Waste (M&H) Rules, 2000 3 10/01/2014 RO(HQ) Amendment-Office Order for Constitution of Committee for scrutiny of authorizations for all corporations as per the Municipal Solid Waste (M&H) Rules, 2000 2 10/12/2013 RO(HQ) Office Order - Constitution of Committee for scrutiny of authorizations for all corporations as per the Municipal Solid Waste (M&H) Rules, 2000 1 05/10/2012 GoM GR issued by Water Supply Deptt., GoM regarding MSW Rules, 2000 Circular on Plastic Waste 8 21/11/2016 RO(HQ) Constitution of Committee for issuance of Registration to Producer and Brand owner under plastic Rules 7 10/07/2018 RO(HQ) Illustrative pictorial information about the banned and unbanned plastic and thermocol items , dated on 10/07/2018 6 30/06/2018 RO(HQ) Maharashtra Plastic and Thermocol Products (MUSTH&S) Notification(Amendment), dated on 30/06/2018 5 11/04/2018 RO(HQ) Maharashtra Plastic and Thermocol Products (MUSTH&S) Notification(Amendment), dated on 11/04/2018. 4 27/03/2018 RO(HQ) Maharashtra Plastic and Thermocol Products (MUSTH&S) Notification, 2018 3 06/07/2015 RO(HQ) Procedure to be followed for grant of consent/registration under plastic waste (M & H) Rule 2011 and Maharashtra plastic Carry Bags (Manufacture and Usage )Rules 2006. 2 14/03/2011 RO(HQ) Implementation of Maharashtra Plastic Carry Bags (Manufacture and Usage) Rules, 2006 Read with the Plastic Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011 issued by the Ministry of Environment &Forests, Govt. of India. 1 12/04/2012 RO(HQ) Implementation and checking compliance of Plastic Rules and Act by the Vigilance Squard. Circular on Batteries 1 16/05/2011 RO (HQ) Delegation of powers to the Member Secretary & Designated officer of the Board Under the Batteries (Management & Handling)rules, 2001 (as amended 2010) Circulars on Fly Ash 1 03/03/2011 Legal Guidelines for use of fly ash, bottom ash or pond ash in the manufacture of bricks and other construction activities for utilization of flyash by the Thermal Power Plants Circulars on E-waste 5 12/11/2013 RO(HQ) Constitution of committee for scrutiny of proposals received for Grant for Common Ewaste facility under CHWTSDE. 4 30/08/2013 RO(HQ) Delegation of Powers to the Member Secretary and Designated Officer of the Board under the E-waste (M&H) Rules 2011. 3 20/04/2013 RO(HQ) Effective implementation of E-waste(Management & Handling) Rules,2011 2 20/07/2012 RO(HQ) Effective Implementation of the E-waste(Managment&Handling)Rules,2011 1 06/07/2012 RO(HQ) Office Order of the Registration Committee for Hazardous Waste / E-Waste Recyling.