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  • Message fromMember Secretary, Desk

    Member secretary

    Dr Avinash Dhakne (I.A.S.)

    Member Secretary,

     M.P.C. Board, Mumbai

    "I strongly believe that no policy or strategy for environmental management can be successful unless it is designed to accommodate and communicate through acceptability of its end users - the people. It is the people in these Industries, urban centres, corporations and NGO’s that form the very existence of such organisations and are responsible for effective management of our environment. I am gladdened to present to the stakeholders this new version of our website designed to bring to the fore this amazing spirit of information sharing expecting it to translate into knowledge to render a digitised experience of regulatory process & reforms to help ease of doing business. Let strategies be unfolded in a digital form to achieve the unseen power of information sharing through constant update to witness sustainable models of development in Maharashtra, which indeed is the vision of MPCB. I urge our stakeholders to take utmost benefit of this World Wide Web data launched from our new website to join hands to meet our goals of compliance and beyond"