River Polluted Stretches in Maharashtra
River Polluted Stretches
- Minutes of Meeting of Central Monitoring Committee
- Circular for Financial & Technical Assistance for setting up sewage Mangment Facility at Class A, B, C Municipal Councils & Nagar Panchayats
- Government GR NGT-2018/PRA.KRA.2/TA.K.3 dated 13/12/2018 - Constitution of River Rejuvenation Commitee (RRC)
- Minutes of RRC meetings
- Submission of Progress Report to NGT & CPCB
- Link for water quality of polluted river stretches
- Annexures I,II, III & IV of minutes of 3rd RRC
- Letter of submission of draft action plans to CPCB (30/01/2019)
- Covering letter to Hon'ble NGT dated (31/01/19)
- Action plans of polluted stretches which are submitted to CPCB.
- District Level Environment Surveillance Task Force.
- Monthly Progress Reports submitted to Ministry of Jal Shakti, Govt. of India
- Orders of H'ble NGT in the matter O.A. No. 673 of 2018