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The Spatial Environmental Planning Program was conceptualized for ensuring protection of environment and its resources through planned and sustainable development. The program commenced in 1995 with District Wise Environmental Assessment for Siting of Industries. The program although initially catered to Siting of Industries, it was expanded subsequently cater to compilation of environmental information, environmental improvement of Urban Areas / Mining / Tourism / Religious Places etc.

The program was extended under Environmental management Capacity Building Technical Assistance Project funded by the World Bank, during April 1997 to June 2003. The program was coordinated by the Central pollution Control Board. The program activities were executed by various State Pollution Control Boards and other executing agencies. The program received technical assistance from the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) under the Indo-German Bilateral Program. The program also received support from CDG (now called InVent) of Germany for undertaking Human Resource Development Program (Training programs). Details of the activities undertaken by the Board are as follows:

The District Level Zoning Atlas for Siting of Industries:

The study inter relates the sensitivity of environment with the pollution potential of industries, so as to identify sites with pollution potential of industries so as to identify sites with minimal environmental impact / risk.

District Level Industrial Siting Guidelines:

The District Level Siting Guidelines, clearly bring out information on environmentally sensitive zones / areas to avoided for location of industries or carrying of process or operations to be restricted in the district, potential zones for Siting of air and water polluting industries and carrying process that may be considered for Siting any where in the district, other than Environmentally Sensitive Zones / Areas to be avoided for priority districts. This will help in implementing the District Level Zoning Atlas for Siting of Industries.

District Environmental Atlas:

The District Environment Atlas will be a compilation of environment related information in the form of maps, texts, and statistical data. It includes maps on General / Physical Features, Surface / Ground Water Features, Environmentally Sensitive Zones, Major Source of Pollution, these Atlas will be 1:2,50,000 scale.

The State Environmental Atlas:

The State Environmental Atlas will be a compilation of environment related information in the form of maps, texts and statistical data. It includes maps on general features like Administrative boundaries, major settlements, transportation network etc. The physical characteristics of the State include Land Use, Physiography, Land Capability etc., The Surface / Groundwater features includes Drainage Pattern, Use, Quality, Flow and Table etc. Sensitive Zones will cover major source of Pollution and Environmental Sensitive Zones which specifies Biological Diversity, Incompatible Land Uses in the State.

State-Level Industrial Siting Guidelines:

The State Level Industrial Siting Guidelines will clearly bring out the areas to be avoided and the rules / norms / procedures to be followed to obtain consent to establish.

Environment Improvement Planning at Religious Places:

The religious places in Maharashtra are mostly located in small cities or on the bank of rivers. The local authority do not have adequate infrastructure to manage the floating population during the festival seasons or religious occasions. Due to huge gathering of people occasionally at small place may put stress on environment causing Air, water, noise and solid waste pollution. Considering seriousness of the problem Board has identified the Religious Places in Maharashtra to make places for Eco-Friendly for visitors.

Status of Zoning Atlas Project in M.P.C.Board)

Sr No
Status of Project Work
1. Zoning Atlas for sitting of industries
2. District Level Siting Guidelines (DLSG)
3 District Environmental Atlas (DEA)
In Progress
In Progress
4 State Environmental Atlas(SEA)
In Progress
5 State level Industrial Siting Guidelines (SLISGL)
In Progress
6 Environment Improvement Program at Religious places
Shani-Shingnapur, Shirdi, Dehu-Alandi
In Progress